Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Feelings that make me feel

I listened to this just today. and it gave me a whole new view on the love Jesus has for me. 
Sometimes it's hard to think that he's there and that he's always going to love us, no matter how ugly we think we are, or how sinful we are, or what bad things we've done. He will ALWAYS love us!!!
it's hard to get isn't it? that's what I thought too. 
but then I read the passage: Jude 1:2
"Mercy, peace, and love be yours in abundance." 
LOVE will be yours in ABUNDANCE!! isn't that amazing?! Like I said before, he will love us...always! 

Saturday, August 20, 2011

I'm content

"Though it's raining,
I'm smiling.
The skies may be dark,
but I'm happy.
I may be the unluckiest girl,
but I'm content.
Because I can do all things through
who strengthens me!!"
~ Me! 

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Christian t-shirts by JCLU Forever

Christian T shirts made by three girls who Love Jesus for girls who Love Jesus. Their shirts are designed to be tools for evangelism. JCLU T shirts have simple faith based statements while being fun and fashionable.
If you'd like to check them out here's the link to their website: 
(I personally love the one that says Team Jesus on it, because I agree with it 100% ONLY Jesus can save you, Not Edward, and not Jacob!!) 

JCLU stands for Jesus Christ Loves U! 
And he does!!

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Christy Miller, and other things ;) (GIRLS ONLY)

Hey guys!
I just finished the most amazing and encouraging book I've picked up in a while! It's called Christy Miller. and actually there's more then one book thank goodness!! if it was only one I would be in tears! :D no joke!
I love Christy! she's a girl that everyone can relate to in one way or another. And her relationship with Todd is such a gift from God (even though it's fiction but that's not my point) I wish I knew someone and we had that kind of relationship.
So it's safe to say I found my model for my future husband. :) he doesn't have to be EXACTLY like Todd, but I want him to be pretty close. Not that I'm going to go looking for someone like that. ha heck no. I'm going to wait in God's arms. Only through God is my husband going to find me. and that's the way I want to keep it.

As any of you heard the song called "Average Girl" by BarlowGirl? well if not, any girls out there should definatly model themselves after BarlowGirl. From the first time I've heard that song, I knew who I wanted to be like. and so far, it's worked out great! God's saved me a few times from having my heart broken, when i got that image of what kind of girl I wanted to be. Even though I slipped once, it didn't end in tears and broken hearts. No, we promised to continue our friendship, as friends. and I'm really greatful that God let things turn out like they did.
I had a friend just ask me today if I had my eye on any guys. ha I laughed so hard that I cried. he didn't understand why of course. So I explained to him that I wasn't looking for one. so no. Right now I just have my eyes on God. He smiled and said "Good answer."
So that right there is another reason why I wear a purity ring. and I'm  really greatful that I have been able to keep my focus on God. :)

So I just felt like giving you guys an update that's all.And I hope that my decisions in my romance life have encouraged you. Your in my Prayers!

Your encouraging and loving friend,

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Note: I'm not suicidal!

Note: I'm not suicidal!!! Yes, i know my last post was about a girl who was suicidal, but last night I had an urge to write a poem about a girl (or guy) who had problems and felt like her voice was silent. but it turns out that it wasn't. And she/he turns out alright in the end.
So i just wanted to explain that!

Wednesday, August 3, 2011


I've been chipped,
I've been ripped.
My heart has been dashed and 
My hopes are gone,
and worries have replaced them. 

"where are you God?!" I scream into the
"Do you even hear my prayers?!"  I say through the
I wait for his answer. 
but I hear nothing. 

I see the knife,
I see the pills,
I see the gun.

"It would be so easier."  I think.
"And then my troubles would be gone." 

My finger curls around,
the triger,
the blade,
the pills
"Come home my child!!" 
I falter as the Lord speaks 
to me 
as clear as day.
"You have wondered 
for to long.
Come home. 
come home to me.
And I will make your 
life complete.
I will make you a 
blessing among men."

My life is turned 
My heart is sewen back
My scares, gone.
No one questions my
I've finally broken
the chains.
I am whole. 

Joshua 1:9 says "Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go." 

my new favorite song and the message it gave me

I just listened to "Million Voices" by BarlowGirl. and it's an absoulutly AMAZING song!!
Their saying 'we're a million strong, and getting stronger still. They'll remember we WHERE HERE!!" and it's true. If we set our minds to something, we can make a change. I know you've probably heard this before and that your thinking 'oh no not this again.' but another verse says "we were made to start the riots, we were made to take on the impossible" and it's true. God wants us to change the world!! and through him we CAN! It may be hard at times but if you stop and think about how many people you would be saving. The reward would out weigh the cost!!! BY A TON!!
If we're silent, then who will stand up for those who cant?
If we don't have the strength, then who does?!
It has to start somewhere doesn't it?!
Why not here??
Why not now??!!

People are dying every day, and most of those people don't know Christ.
If no one preaches to them, how can they be taught??!!
If WE don't preach to them, we could be throwing people's lives away.
We have the world at our finger tips. and with God by our side, who can stand against us?! if we trust in him completely we can change the world, we can make people's pain die down. we can give people a REASON to live!!!
Ask yourselves this: Why am I just sitting  here, when I could be doing something that can change the fate of another's life?!?!

1 Peter 2:9
"But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people belonging to God, that you may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light.