hi again, sorry this post might not be very "happy" but i'm just having a bad day, everything isn't going right, everything is turning "upside-down". I just made up this poem and thought I would share it.
wishing you were here again
Wishing you were somehow here again,
wishing you were somehow nere,
sometimes it seeme if I just dreamed
somehow you would be here.
Wishing I could here your voice again
knowing that I never would.
Dreaming of you won't help me to do
all that you dreamed I could.
Too many years fighting back tears
why can't the past just die?
Wishing you were somehow here again
knowing we must say goodbye
Try to forgive
teach me to live
give me the strengh to try
No more memories, no more silent tears,
no more gazing across the waisted years.
Help me say goodbye.
Help me say goodbye!
and here's another one that Christine sent me. it's how i feel, and how i hope to feel in the future.
Dancing with the Angels
She couldn't believe what was happening,
it was so hard to see, so hard to think.
Her life hd changed so suddenly,
she had lost a link
to her family chain
A man, who was more then a father
he was her best friend.
A man who oved her and cherished her,
and now it seemed like the end.
It felt lik nothing would be the same again,
she wanted it to be normal, but er life was uside-down.
she cried herself to sleep at nigh,
she felt terribly bound,
to her misery.
She felt alone even when surrounded by friends,
and then, as she thought, as she prayed, as she cried,
she realized her father had ben called
to a better place
He was dancing with the angels,
he is celebrating in heaven,
all the watching, waiting,
for a daughter, who was more then a daugher,
she was hisvery own princess.
And then, she knew deep down inside her heart
that she must be strong, must be brave.
She must trust in God's love and potection
she must not hide herselfin a cave,
but make her father proud.
Everyone saw her change,
they saw her strength, her love, a life inside of her,
and in her eyes, her heart, her smile
they saw an image of er father,
She knew that one day, she would go running,
into the open arms of her father,
and he would lead her, smiling, loving,
to the throne of God,
and the Lord would smile and say
"Well Done"
I can't wait till that day that i run into my father's arms, safe, worm, big, and secure. The day that i got the news, i wished that i had died with him, Teagan said, "now it wont mater if i get hit with a car, i'll just go see daddy" I wish it was that easy. But it's not, i would leave all the ones i love behind me. And right now that's a thought i cant bare. Right now i could use all the suport that i can get. And i understand if you are busy or think we cant be friends or something. But I would still like it. Well i'll post something when i have something to post bye.
The random, spontaneous, and energetic, yet occasionally depressing, ramblings of a missionary kid....yup! That's my life!! ^_^
Thursday, December 31, 2009
Friday, December 18, 2009
just found out something
hey, i just found out something,I can take my computer!!!!YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ok sorry, I'm just really HYPER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And we're going to the beach in 2 DAYS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ok well got to run bye!!
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
AAAAAHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! sorry I just found out that I'm going to school!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! wow now i"m freaking out, ok. I calmed down. we are going to Mambasa on the 20th and i have no clue how long i'm going to be gone. And Micah, I don't think i'll be able to bring my computer, :( but I'll talk pictures!!!! even if I have to bring my mom's camra. :) well I don't have anything else to wright about so I'm going to go, bye!!!
Friday, December 11, 2009
I'm back!!!!!!!!!!!
I'm back from WNS!!!! it was so FUN!!!!! all the girls included me in EVERYTHING!!!!!!!!!!! ok sorry I'm really hyper. And I didn't get lost, exept for when I went to the bus stop I was so confused, but that's besides the point. And I didn't have a mentile break down, infact I wasn't nerves once!! I'm so proud of myself!! hahaha JK. Well that's all i have for now, bye!!!
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
I'm wrighting this just because
Well I'm bored so I don't really have anything to say.....hmm.......Oh ok so I finished testing and now i'm going back on friday, (i know I'm saying Christine, but he already knows.) I'm going to spend a whole day there. On my last day of testing I spoke with the director, and he said that he already had a kid- that would show me around- already picked out, I'm dying to know WHO!!!!!! Scott thinks it's Grahm, I hope not, I would rather have a girl. But begers can't be chosers. Well that's all i have to say that comes to mind right now, so I got to run bye!!
Monday, December 7, 2009
ok so it's the first day of testing at WNS, I made it though!!!!!! I feel so proud of myself, :) LOL!. I'm going again tomorrow, sorry guys but I stay up in the Library area, :( and I leave before lunch. Sorry I didn't meat you at lunch, Christine. :( (snif, snif) anyway, come out as soon as you can I have to tell you something. :) and sorry I can't tell you Micah, you will just have to find out latter. But just keep your eye out for me on the rest of the week. :) ok well I have to run, see ya!!
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
Pictures of Confrence, see? just like I promised!!
Ok so here are some pic's from confrence, and as a warning, some of them are EXTREAMLY random, :)
here is the bunkbeds, I'm on the bottom, Chrstine on the top, yes mine was the cleanest, :) hehehe just kinding.
this is the dresser drawrs, Christine's on the left, and I'm on the right, or to make it more easy, mine is the one with the pink jacket.
Yes I took my iDog up there, hehehe, I like him,his name is Pips, (Portible IPod Speakers) my uncle thought of it.
Another random picture, I was working on a character sheat, it's a boy that's in my story, I make thouse alot. But it's fun.
Thursday, November 26, 2009
YEAH!!!!!! we're going to confrince!!!!whoa!! ok sorry, I'm just really exited :) so I'll talk LOTS of pictures, I promise!!!! Christine was saying that I had to pretend to be in 9th grade, heheheh so I'm moving up in time. :) she want's me there so we can talk most likely. hehehe, but that's ok. So I have to go help pack. See you soon!!!!
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Nothing to do
dodedodedo, I have nothing to do, but I can hardly wait till confrence!!! only 2 days!! YIPEE!!!!! ok sorry, um......well I realy have nothing to say right now, sorry, but I'll take lots of pictures at RVA and post them up, I promise. ooh, my mom's calling talk to you guys latter.
Monday, November 23, 2009
Pictures of my room
school Musical, pureNRG, Barlow Girl, I have more on my iPod and the computer.
Thursday, November 19, 2009
about the picture
Ok in that picture it's pretty plain, I'm bowling and I had a lot of fun. See Micah! I put a picture up now I'll put some more. that is deffinetly not one of th best pictures, but I couldn't see it till now. Anyway we're at the Nairob walk and that's our grandparents at the back and I think you know the rest.
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Some more
Here's some more of the story guys,
right then Emma's watched beeped, Shawn looked at her and they both ran to there homes to change. That day karate was ok for Emma but she was very sore, witch is wha you expect after a ruff and long hour and a half. Emma had a black belt and so did Shawn. So her training was ruff and hard. Emma said good-bye to her teacher and Shawn and went into her house. She changed into a pink tank top and pink and green paid shorts, and cliped her hair up, so it was off her neck, then ploped down on her hot pink beanie bag. And turned on the TV that was mounted on her wall. Fifteen minutes latter, there was a knock on the door. She sat up so she would at least look presentibule.
"Come on in." She said, she looked up and saw her mom. "Yeah?" Her mom had long blond hair, and blue eyes.
"Hey honey." Her mom sat down next to her daughter. "Um....how was karate?"
"Ok, but I hurt all over"
"Well maybey you can take a pain pill later."
"Sure" then there was an uncomfortable silence. "Was there anything else?"
"yeah, I noticed that you and Shawn were geting a litle close."
"Mom, we're just friends,...ok?"
"Well make sure it stays that way, no kissing or anything like that."
"Mom! that's not going to happen! we're just friends!"
"Ok, ok, ok. Well I'll go get you that pain pill."
"Thanks" Then Emma's mom got up and left.
Chapter 2 (your lucky)
Emma was walking downtown with Shawn and they were heading to their favort ice-cream store. It was called "Papa John's Ice cream" It was also right next to a very expensive jewelry store. It was called "Whitehall Jewlery" Emma always liked looking into the window, just for fun.
Shawn and Emma had just walked out of the Ice cream store and it was geting dark, the sun was setin and it had gotten dark. Then there was a commotion in the Jewlery store a man came out with a bag held close to his chest. He ran out of the store and vanished in to the crowd. Then a split second latter another man ran out of the store, he looked like the store clerk.
"Hey! hey stop! some one stope that man!" the clerk yelled. Emma looked at Shawn, and Shawn looked at her. they droped their ice-cream in a trash can and ran after the guy. They caught up to him, and Emma gained ground on him an stoped in front of him, forcing the man to stop too.
"Get out of my way girl!" he yelled. He looked behind him. Shawn was there looking as tough as ever. Then man looked back at Emma. "I said GET OUT OF MY WAY!!!!" Then he slaped her face so that she fell down, then Shawn attacked the man. He ran infront of the man and Emma rolled out of the way. Shawn kicked the man in the stomach, then bunched him in the eye, the man bent over moaning with pain. Just then Emma recovered and hopped up and went over to the man and did a round house kick. This kick was leathle and was very hard to doge. She hit the man in the hip bone, and eh crumped to the ground. Then the police came and did the rest while Emma and Shawn made themselves scarce.
"Wow,...that was cool" Shawn said as they turned onto their street.
"Yeah, that was the first time that I've ever actually taken down someone." Emma said excitedly. She looked at Shawn and immediately her smile left. Shawn was glaring at her. Then it finily dinged on her. "Ok well besides you."
"Shawn!" She nugged him in the ribs, playfuly.
"Ok, ok, I got to go see ya."
"Yeah bye." Then they went into their own houses.
Emma's clock on her bedside table said it was 2:00 in the morning. There was a creak on the stars, something was moving though the shadows on the stars and in the hallway. A silent figure quietly opnedthe door, he held up a gunand pointed it at Emma's sleeping figure. Emma moved in her sleep, but thenlaid still once more. He pulled the trigger and it was as silent as the night. It hit her dead in the chest. He went over to her and pulled her off the bed and into a sack, and left leavin no evidence what so ever.
hhahahaha now you'll have to wait again, :) Man I feel sorry for you Christine, but don't worry I'll post up some more soon. But maybe not that soon. :)
right then Emma's watched beeped, Shawn looked at her and they both ran to there homes to change. That day karate was ok for Emma but she was very sore, witch is wha you expect after a ruff and long hour and a half. Emma had a black belt and so did Shawn. So her training was ruff and hard. Emma said good-bye to her teacher and Shawn and went into her house. She changed into a pink tank top and pink and green paid shorts, and cliped her hair up, so it was off her neck, then ploped down on her hot pink beanie bag. And turned on the TV that was mounted on her wall. Fifteen minutes latter, there was a knock on the door. She sat up so she would at least look presentibule.
"Come on in." She said, she looked up and saw her mom. "Yeah?" Her mom had long blond hair, and blue eyes.
"Hey honey." Her mom sat down next to her daughter. "Um....how was karate?"
"Ok, but I hurt all over"
"Well maybey you can take a pain pill later."
"Sure" then there was an uncomfortable silence. "Was there anything else?"
"yeah, I noticed that you and Shawn were geting a litle close."
"Mom, we're just friends,...ok?"
"Well make sure it stays that way, no kissing or anything like that."
"Mom! that's not going to happen! we're just friends!"
"Ok, ok, ok. Well I'll go get you that pain pill."
"Thanks" Then Emma's mom got up and left.
Chapter 2 (your lucky)
Emma was walking downtown with Shawn and they were heading to their favort ice-cream store. It was called "Papa John's Ice cream" It was also right next to a very expensive jewelry store. It was called "Whitehall Jewlery" Emma always liked looking into the window, just for fun.
Shawn and Emma had just walked out of the Ice cream store and it was geting dark, the sun was setin and it had gotten dark. Then there was a commotion in the Jewlery store a man came out with a bag held close to his chest. He ran out of the store and vanished in to the crowd. Then a split second latter another man ran out of the store, he looked like the store clerk.
"Hey! hey stop! some one stope that man!" the clerk yelled. Emma looked at Shawn, and Shawn looked at her. they droped their ice-cream in a trash can and ran after the guy. They caught up to him, and Emma gained ground on him an stoped in front of him, forcing the man to stop too.
"Get out of my way girl!" he yelled. He looked behind him. Shawn was there looking as tough as ever. Then man looked back at Emma. "I said GET OUT OF MY WAY!!!!" Then he slaped her face so that she fell down, then Shawn attacked the man. He ran infront of the man and Emma rolled out of the way. Shawn kicked the man in the stomach, then bunched him in the eye, the man bent over moaning with pain. Just then Emma recovered and hopped up and went over to the man and did a round house kick. This kick was leathle and was very hard to doge. She hit the man in the hip bone, and eh crumped to the ground. Then the police came and did the rest while Emma and Shawn made themselves scarce.
"Wow,...that was cool" Shawn said as they turned onto their street.
"Yeah, that was the first time that I've ever actually taken down someone." Emma said excitedly. She looked at Shawn and immediately her smile left. Shawn was glaring at her. Then it finily dinged on her. "Ok well besides you."
"Shawn!" She nugged him in the ribs, playfuly.
"Ok, ok, I got to go see ya."
"Yeah bye." Then they went into their own houses.
Emma's clock on her bedside table said it was 2:00 in the morning. There was a creak on the stars, something was moving though the shadows on the stars and in the hallway. A silent figure quietly opnedthe door, he held up a gunand pointed it at Emma's sleeping figure. Emma moved in her sleep, but thenlaid still once more. He pulled the trigger and it was as silent as the night. It hit her dead in the chest. He went over to her and pulled her off the bed and into a sack, and left leavin no evidence what so ever.
hhahahaha now you'll have to wait again, :) Man I feel sorry for you Christine, but don't worry I'll post up some more soon. But maybe not that soon. :)
Sunday, October 25, 2009
Bored out of my mind!!
I'm bored out of my mind! I have nothing to do and I can't think of anything to do...ok that's not true but all I can do is ride bikes and wright stories....speaking of stories, Christine, you wanted the rest of my story, so here it is.
The rest of the day was very boring, the same as every other day, exept this time everyone was looking forword to the end of the day. Because it was the last day of school and then it was summer break.
When the last bell rang for the last time that day all the kids poured out of their classes and ran to their lockers, and rushed out the doors, wanting to be as far away from the school as posibule. Emma and Shawn walked to their neighborhood talking.
"So what are you doing when you get home?" Shawn asked.
"Um....I have some chores to do, after that I'm free." Emma answered.
"Ok so I'll come over when I can right?"
"Right." so then they went to their own homes.
An hour latter Shawn showed up at Emma's door. She opened he door and gestured taht he could go inside. They both sat down on the couch.
"Ok,....so now what?" Shawn asked.
"Well we could go to the park, we could play playstaishon2, or we could sit around and be bored. you pick I'm good with all of them."
"Well we only have an hour. Then we have to go to karate."
"Oh ok....Well pick one." Emma said.
"Well lets go to the park."
"ok" So then they got off the couch and left the house.
"I'll race you to the top of the jungle gym!" Emma challenged. Then the were off. Emma had been taking gymnastics sence she was three, then last year she had switched to karate, and she already had a yellow belt. Shawn ad been taking karate sence he was three. and he had an orange belt. But he wasn't jelouse of Emma, not one bit.
Emma climed half way up the jungle gym and the did a flip over the half and landed in a crouch on the top. Shawn was just one step behind her. he sat down next to her.
"Ok we're here , how what?" Emma asked.
"um....I don't know."
"Well you pick some thing."
"Me! I picked the last one."
"Well I'm branwashed and can't think right now." There was silence as both of them tryed to think of something.
"Well we could play tikle Emma!" Shawn dived for her and tikled her sides Emma gigled, then jumped down, she looked up at Shawn, who was staring at her. She figited with her jeans pockte she hated it when Shawn just started at her. Finily she couldn't take it any more.
"What?!" She yelled at him. He shook his head and hopped down.
Hahaha, now you have to wait till I dicied to post the rest of the story. :) sorry Christine. don't worry though I'll do it soon, and Micah, if you want the beginning of the story then tell me ok? Well got to run hope you enjoy it!
The rest of the day was very boring, the same as every other day, exept this time everyone was looking forword to the end of the day. Because it was the last day of school and then it was summer break.
When the last bell rang for the last time that day all the kids poured out of their classes and ran to their lockers, and rushed out the doors, wanting to be as far away from the school as posibule. Emma and Shawn walked to their neighborhood talking.
"So what are you doing when you get home?" Shawn asked.
"Um....I have some chores to do, after that I'm free." Emma answered.
"Ok so I'll come over when I can right?"
"Right." so then they went to their own homes.
An hour latter Shawn showed up at Emma's door. She opened he door and gestured taht he could go inside. They both sat down on the couch.
"Ok,....so now what?" Shawn asked.
"Well we could go to the park, we could play playstaishon2, or we could sit around and be bored. you pick I'm good with all of them."
"Well we only have an hour. Then we have to go to karate."
"Oh ok....Well pick one." Emma said.
"Well lets go to the park."
"ok" So then they got off the couch and left the house.
"I'll race you to the top of the jungle gym!" Emma challenged. Then the were off. Emma had been taking gymnastics sence she was three, then last year she had switched to karate, and she already had a yellow belt. Shawn ad been taking karate sence he was three. and he had an orange belt. But he wasn't jelouse of Emma, not one bit.
Emma climed half way up the jungle gym and the did a flip over the half and landed in a crouch on the top. Shawn was just one step behind her. he sat down next to her.
"Ok we're here , how what?" Emma asked.
"um....I don't know."
"Well you pick some thing."
"Me! I picked the last one."
"Well I'm branwashed and can't think right now." There was silence as both of them tryed to think of something.
"Well we could play tikle Emma!" Shawn dived for her and tikled her sides Emma gigled, then jumped down, she looked up at Shawn, who was staring at her. She figited with her jeans pockte she hated it when Shawn just started at her. Finily she couldn't take it any more.
"What?!" She yelled at him. He shook his head and hopped down.
Hahaha, now you have to wait till I dicied to post the rest of the story. :) sorry Christine. don't worry though I'll do it soon, and Micah, if you want the beginning of the story then tell me ok? Well got to run hope you enjoy it!
Thursday, October 22, 2009
Waiting, and waiting, and waiting
I'm waiting to go back home, I'm insanly home sick for all of my friends, my dog, my house, my own room! I miss everything that's familiar to me. And some times I feel so alone, that I literally scream into a pillow. I can't wait to get home in 28 days!!!! then it will be home sweet home for me. Of course I don't even know if we are going to stay there. but anyway. So that's what I feel like right now. Oh! Hey Christine, sence you screaming for new stories from me, I just thought of one. so here's the outline now it's only the outline I haven't decided if I'm going to wright it or not, but email me and tell me what you think of it.
- It's about a girl who's name is _______ (I need ideas!!)
- She's 13, blond hair blue eyes, skiny.
- She's amarican but has to go to a girl's only bording school in london.
- strang things are happining at the school
- she tries to solve the mistery with her friends with her every step of the way.
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
We'er in Florida now and I'm finily with my cousins!!!! So I'm really exited.
Saturday, September 12, 2009
After what happened
After my dad died on August 1st, we went to Amarica for 10 weeks. we are in Canada right now and we are geting ready to go to my dad's serves this afternoon. The serves was about 3 or 4 hours long we left at 7:30 and then we went to my aunt's house, and stayed there untill 11:00 at night. I was sooooo tired after that.
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